Coming across the water


Next summer, an American choir is heading for Rye – and should get a warm welcome, as the congregation were singing the U.S anthem “The Star Spangled Banner” in the town’s Norman parish church St Mary’s at the 10:30am service last Sunday, December 10, the Second Sunday in Advent.

Traditionally, St Mary’s in Rye and Christ’s Church in New York exchange greetings and letters at this time of year, and they can be read on the noticeboard to the right just inside the church’s main door. The link is commemorated with a diamond shaped black stone in the floor of the nave just behind the large collecting box for the many visitors to the church. The stone dates from the 1950s and a framed brass rubbing on the wall to the left records yet another link between the two churches. The choir at Christ’s Church are currently earning money to cover the cost of their trip to Rye.

Nearby in the nave, and to the left of the pulpit by the piano, another tall Christmas tree has been erected. But this comes out of a box and is a present after the filming of BBC TV’s “Mapp and Lucia” in Rye, in particular in and around the church and churchyard – and from the top of the tower. It has been decorated with a star on the top. Last year Rector David Frost tumbled down while placing the star and was limping round over Christmas. This year he was discouraged from decorating.

Next Sunday December 17 sees a Christingle Service at Rye Harbour’s church at 3pm followed by the Town Carol Service in St Mary’s at 6pm.




Photo: Rye News Library

Photo: Rye News Library

Image Credits: Rye News library .

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