Dredging it up


James Bateman, the Rye harbour master issued a notice on Thursday, September 15 informing all mariners that starting on Thursday, September 22 dredging works were planned to commence.

The maintenance programme was planned for Strand Quay, Strand Approach, Bridge Point and Rock Channel when hydromatic dredging was expected to take place over 14 tides working day and night. The process will be completed using a pump barge and small tug unit.

Collision regulations requires the dredging barge and tug to display shapes and lights and mariners are requested to give the dredger a wide berth and pass at slow speed whilst obeying any instructions given by the dredging master.

Both craft will be manned at all times keeping a listening watch on VHF radio.

If you need any further information regarding this work or need to contact the environment agency you can do so on rye.harbour@environment-agency.gov.uk or contact the harbour office direct on 01797 225225.

Image Credits: Kenneth Bird .

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