Drums and an English urban garden

Sally Bailey and Steve Zakim

After watching the raft race last Saturday and then spending some time looking at the stalls on the quay, My granddaughter and I (over from Canada) went to Little Orchard House in West Street, and what a pleasurable couple of hours we had there. The event took place in the hidden gem of a garden behind the house. and was organised by and in aid of The Music Well founded and run by Liz Butt.

The first act we saw was the inimitable rRye Ukulele Experiment who entertained us for a good hour, and a very pleasant hour it was as well with many of their favourite offerings. Always a pleasure to listen to. This was followed by The Music Well Trio with some lovely laid back numbers which were very suitable for such a peaceful setting. And then for something completely different!

The drumming circle

Liz Butt appeared with a selection of drums of varying types and sizes which she laid out on the lawn and around them was placed a circle of chairs. She then invited members of the audience to come and choose a drum and she led them in two sessions of drumming.

To my surprise, instead of it being the unruly cacophony that I had been expecting, it was a recognisable beat that fitted in very well with the afternoon. The last act that I caught was Sally Bailey, vocals, and Steve Zakim, keyboard and they gave us some of the old standards executed so professionally, a real treat!

(l to r) Liz Butt, Amber Rudd and Niki Stuart

Combine all of the above with some lovely weather, beautiful peaceful surroundings , scrummy cakes and tea and an appreciative audience and it was recipe for a perfect afternoon. Once again, well done Rye.

If you are interested in finding out more about the work that The Music Well does, go to www.themusicwell.org 

Stephen Clift, Chair of Music Well, writes: Amber Rudd MP was a welcome guest at this year’s Music Well Open Garden event.  She was welcomed by Directors, Liz Butt and Niki Stuart, to the lovely garden setting at Little Orchard House.  Amber is an enthusiastic supporter of the work of the Music Well in providing music therapy for children and young people locally, and in promoting music for wellbeing in the community.  Local musicians joined in a fun afternoon of music making and singing and additional funds were raised to support the Music Well in its work.

Photos: David Hance and Stephen Clift

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