Message from the head of Rye Primary school, Kelly Martin
I have been particularly inspired at school lately by the planting we have been doing, as part of the “Rye Blooms” event. I am not a gardener by any stretch of the imagination. However, I am the proud owner of a few houseplants in pots, in the pots I bought them in.
When buying a plant, I haven’t usually got a particular plant in mind, they have all been purchased from the reduced bin in a super market, because they are withering, or I have received them as a gift. All are treated with the same love and care; watered when they look particularly dry and twisted around when one side of the plant starts to look a little “sun burnt”!
However, the other day I thought I would try and do something really “advanced” for me – I thought I would ‘re-pot’ one of these said plants, as it was getting too big for the pot it was in on the kitchen windowsill, and I happened to have a nice, spare ceramic pot from an old plant, (which in case you were wondering; hadn’t “made it”).
So I set about trying to get this plant out of the pot. It wasn’t as easy as I thought it would be. The roots had grown around and around the soil and the plant was well and truly stuck! ‘Google’ informed me that this was known as being “pot bound”. The plant had become a prisoner in its own pot; as it hadn’t had the room to grow and spread its roots any further than the pot would allow.
We shouldn’t limit ourselves
I learned that this was in fact easily remedied by transferring to a bigger pot, adding a little more soil and a good measure of water. My plant was eventually prized from the pot and will live another day (hopefully).
However, this experience got me thinking about how careful we have to be, not to place limits on ourselves or on our children. We have to work hard to ensure that we don’t get so bound up in our present circumstances that we don’t give ourselves room to grow. I know the lockdown restrictions have meant that we haven’t been able to broaden our “physical horizons” as much.
However, we can use this opportunity to broaden our own personal horizons and our perspective. We always have the opportunity to upgrade ourselves to a bigger “pot” by learning a new skill, making a new friend, becoming more connected with the world around us, becoming more spiritually aware, starting a new hobby, trying new things. The possibilities are endless!
It doesn’t matter what we choose to do, as long as we choose to do something! Don’t get pot- bound by limiting yourself or others. I shall look forward to you all ‘flourishing and blooming’ around me as you take on new challenges during this next season.
The children’s learning focus for this term has been Splish, Splash, Splosh. They have been learning about ducks, water, and using language about measure including full and empty.
The children are very much enjoying the Ready 4 School Music programme which has been happening every Wednesday this term.
Ready for School is a series of music workshops for preschool children moving on to Reception. This focuses on essential skills including speech and language development through music and movement. This will continue in September when they start school.
Class Dojo reminder – Please can parents that haven’t do so already sign up to class Dojo. You should have received a link via email. Please speak to Katie if you haven’t received this. We use this as a form of communication between home and nursery and you can see updates of learning that we have done throughout the week.
Photos- There will be photos for Pugwash children in the morning of Monday June 28. If your child usually attends nursery on a Monday morning, then we will take them for their photo. If they do not attend on a Monday and you would like to your child to have a photo, then please arrive at the hall first thing for them to have it taken.
We hope the weather will warm up soon so please can you ensure that you pack sun cream for your child in their bag and apply it before they come to nursery. We can then re-apply during the day.

This term as part of our topic “Into the Woods” the children have been considering ways that they can take care of the environment. We have been enjoying using our Forest School site and used a trip to Forest School as an opportunity to litter pick. The children were sad about how much litter they found around school, but are determined that they can make a difference. Back in school we had fun making bird feeders, as well as showing care for animals in our environment and this activity was fantastic for talking about textures.
The Minnows and Sardines are currently busy working on their entries for two national competitions; the Young Writers ‘My First Riddle’ poetry competition and the Royal Mail’s Hero Stamp design competition. Wish us luck, although our teachers think we are all already winners!

Years 1 and 2
The Clownfish children are enjoying their topic Ready, Steady Grow!
In science, we have been growing and nurturing our plants.
This term in art we have been studying Van Gogh’s. ‘Sunflowers’ and creating our own amazing interpretations.
Years 3 and 4
Years 3 and 4 have been working extremely hard this term and the progress the children have made is astonishing. We are so proud of the continued effort the children put into their learning and the resilience they show throughout. Last Wednesday, we had a DT day. The children evaluated, designed and made Viking purses. They learned two different stitches to join the fabric together: backstitch and running stitch. They showed incredible concentration and resilience, because threading needles is not easy and needs patience.

Years 5 & 6
In Year 5/6 we have been learning about the second world war from a child’s point of view. On Thursday, Marlin had their DT day where we created shelters using a variety of skills and materials – including sawing! The end products were a fantastic piece of work after a lot of effort and time spent planning. We have also finished our fantastic evacuee recounts, before starting our speech writing to end the term. Well done to all for working so hard!
Image Credits: Rye Primary School .