The Playden Players announce their forthcoming premiere of a brand new Murder Mystery on Saturday April 28.The play has been specially written for us by Dell Smith, who is one of the players and who has written all of our recent scripts. The Playden Players grew out of the earlier very successful Friends of Playden Church Murder Mystery evenings.
This event will help to raise money for the re-shingling of the spire which we hope the contractor will be able to start in April. As we have mentioned before, the re-shingling is an enormous undertaking for such a small community as ourselves; support is vital in helping meet the very large cost involved.
Tickets are only £10 including a two course supper – please bring your own drinks. Please reserve your place early by telephoning 01797 224606 and leaving a message on the answerphone. The event will be held at Playden WI Hall on April 28 at 7:30pm.
Image: Playden Players