Teddies and toys at St Mary’s


“We are pilgrims on a journey
Fellow trav’llers on the road;
We are here to help each other
Walk the mile and bear the load.”

How appropriate were these words sung in one of their hymns by the congregation of St Mary’s on Sunday, December 4 in their toy service. There are many families who will find Christmas this year a difficult time financially but the generosity of the people of Rye was on show to ensure that there will be many smiling children’s faces on Christmas morning.

Gifts of new toys

New toys and games were donated in the service and blessed by Reverend Christopher Breeds before they were brought to the altar where a band of Christmas helpers displayed them for all to see.

Linda Estrada and Christopher Breeds masterminded the service with some engaging songs for all to join in. Christopher taught the congregation some Makaton (sign language) and the atmosphere was really festive and lots of fun.

There were many teddies at the service, many of whom were brought in by adults who loved them. I have to report that there were a few monkeys and bunnies, but we welcomed them too.

Head to Bows Boutique, an on-line toy and accessory company at Rye Harbour, donated four large boxes of toys for Family Support Workers, and we thank them for their generosity.

Toys were also collected on Tuesday, December 6 from the Hub on the Hill which had been donated by the customers who use the Hub by Gill from Family Support Work.

Christmas Toy collection at the Hub

Karen, who is the manager of the Hub said: “It’s been an absolute pleasure working together with the community to help Family Support Work.”

Gill Sutton, our practitioner for Family Support Work for Rye and villages, thanked everyone involved and said: “This will make a big difference to lots of special families this Christmas.”

Image Credits: Kt bruce , Chris Emson .

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