Crier rings the changes


Rye has many interesting and idiosyncratic characters.  Among them we must include Paul Goring our Rye town crier, who, if you have not yet had the pleasure of meeting, you surely will have seen or heard ringing his bell and crying out at the many official Rye Town Council events. He is often seen in Rye Town Hall at a wedding.  He is also often seen leading Rye Guided Walks, the popular and interesting tours of the historic parts of the town, including the attic museum of the Town Hall with its infamous gibbet cage.

You may not be aware that Paul is completely fearless and a man of all-consuming courage. This was clearly demonstrated one evening last autumn when, while enjoying a refreshing drink in the Waterworks Pub at the end of one of his tours, he was invited to sit on a Harley-Davidson motorcycle and, despite never been on a motorcycle in his life before, without a moment’s hesitation sat on the bike and rang his bell!  This was clearly a demonstration of his outstanding bravery and good nature.

Image Credits: Mags Ivatts .

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