U3a fun and events


2022 was another year of fun and adventures for University of the Third Age (U3A) members.

Ian Scott is in his third year as editor of the MiniMag report and chair of Rye u3a. In the little booklet he reports a bit of the history of the U3A as well as talks about the groups anyone can join.

The aim of this organisation was always, and still is, to encourage and stimulate people to take up new hobbies or continue some educational interest. There is an accepted model for all u3a organisations. Its origin was in France, 1973, as an extramural university activity. It was significantly modified in Britain, starting in the 1980s with the idea that many people after retirement had something to contribute and share without formal educational links.

There are 22 groups including French, Spanish, wine appreciation, walks, history, boules (the Tuesday and Wednesday sessions are full, but a new group could be started), current affairs, a quiz team and much more. In addition to the variety of the groups, u3a holds a monthly meeting at the Community Centre, Conduit Hill, where they have speakers on a selection of topics, after which coffee/tea and biscuits are available for members to catch up with each other. A very popular group is furniture restoration, also full at the moment. People can bring furniture they would like to restore. There are plenty of demonstrations and guidance.

Military hIstory has had a lot of interest, from one-off attendees or regulars. The French group is fairly confident in the language. The travel group enjoyed a cruise on the Rhine in May and later in the year, a French gourmet day trip was held in an amazing hotel where the wine kept flowing with excellent food. The painting and drawing group hopes to continue in 2023 in the hobby room upstairs at the Globe, Military Road. There is so much more to report. If interested please contact member secretary Gill Scott for the MiniMag or for more information of how to join: u3aryesecretary@gmail.com

Image Credits: Ian Scott .

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