Panto cheque for RNLI


You would think that five successful performances of Treasure Ryeland would be enough of a panto fix for Rye Players. But a dozen intrepid members of the cast and crew were delighted to go and support the Icklesham Panto and Drama Society’s (IPADS) glittering production of Cinderella last Friday. The full house included local MP, Helena Dollimore, who joined in with great enthusiasm for the usual shenanigans.

It so happened that the Rye Players treasurer, Sandi Bain, had come equipped with a cheque for £650 from the proceeds of Treasure Ryeland, to hand over to Stuart Clark for the RNLI Rye Harbour Lifeboat. On impulse, she asked Helena to do the honours and she was happy to oblige during the interval.

Meanwhile, IPADS raised the roof with their stunning performances, brightening a chilly January evening and showcasing some serious talents.

Cinderella – performed by Icklesham Panto and Drama Society

Rye Players is holding auditions on Monday January 27 at the Globe Inn Marsh at 6:30pm. The next production will be a double bill of short plays by Anton Chekhov to be directed by Janet Stott in the spring. New members are always welcome and very much needed for roles onstage and off so the Players invite you to come along on Monday and find out more.

Image Credits: Pat Driver .

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