Free fitness to start 2018


It’s 2018 and I trot into Rye Leisure Centre for my first swim of the year, full of determination to fulfill my new year’s resolution, to work off my enjoyable but excessive indulgences of the festive season.
As I approach the counter my attention is caught by a large purple board, promoting seven days free exercise at the centre.  This looks too good to be true I decide, best I ask for the low-down from one of the centre’s staff.
Overseeing the counter is Sam Richardson, who has recently completed his sixth year of service with the Freedom Leisure company.
“What’s all this about? Looks like a terrific offer,” I say.
“It really is” replies Sam, and he goes on to explain in more detail what the promotion entails – a real opportunity for Rye locals to participate and enjoy sporting activities for a short period at no cost, hopefully also to trigger them into an improved lifestyle and well-being for the year ahead.
Until January 31, anyone over 16 can have seven free consecutive days of exercise and activities. They will be issued a  seven-day pass for use of the gym, football pitch, swimming pool, sauna, group exercise classes, cycling studio, racket sports and sports hall.
Sam goes on to show me around the new gym, which has had a recent £150,000 facelift. The flooring, carpeting and equipment is pretty much state of the art, really impressive.
I go for my swim, in the 25m pool which Rye Centre Manager Ian Oliver had previously explained, “boasts a purpose-built ramp to support access and egress for the disabled, with the availability of a pool wheelchair for carers to use to assist getting persons in and out of the pool, and if required there is a hoist with bed.  Specific changing facilities are also on site”.
On Friday mornings at 11:30am there are family fun swim sessions where an instructor is provided in the pool to help parents teach their children to swim.
If you are now inspired and interested in any of the above, for more information, call 01797 224747 or visit

Photo: Micky Day

Image Credits: Rye News library .

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