Military Road revisited


Residents on Military Road have expressed their concerns on the reappearance of a planning application for a building that had previously been refused by Rother’s planners because of how it looked.

A revised planning application has been resubmitted to build on a small plot of land near the Globe Inn. It involves the erection of a two storey detached building comprising a single garage on the ground floor with a design studio on the first.

Designs of the proposed new building

The previous application had been criticised on the grounds of an unsympathetically designed building within a conservation area and Rother planners said: “Unsympathetic form and design including: the random wall and window proportions, lack of subdivision of the fenestration, shallow pitched roof on such a tall and narrow building which fails to address the street.”

The new design looks more like a traditional cottage facing Military Road but some residents have raised concerns on the short notice period to comment. The application was submitted to RDC on April 4 but did not appear on their planning portal until around a month later. While the deadline for a decision is listed on Rother’s planning portal as Friday, May 29, Rye News has been informed that Rother will be extending the deadline to allow local residents to comment on the scheme. The exact deadline date has yet to be confirmed.

You can view the plans and comment here.

Image Credits: Nick Forman , Rye News Library .

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