Restaurant closes


Customers booked in at the Ambrette restaurant in the High Street, the other day, were surprised to find that, on arrival, the doors were firmly locked and no sign of life was to be seen within, writes John Minter. No explanation has been forthcoming so far from the owner, Dev Biswal, but as a recent mailing received from him mentioned his other two restaurants in Margate and Canterbury, but conspicuously omitted Rye, it must be assumed that, while hoping to the contrary, this popular and classy venue is now closed for good.

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  1. We used to dine at The Ambrette weekly.Now,as we pass it the bay window is lined with black plastic,and it seems as if the interior has some work going on.As The Ambrette’s interior was well decorated,we have the feeling that somebody new has taken the property over.We hope not as The Ambrette was a restaurant with an unusual and delicious cuisine.
    Only time will tell


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