RTC post-holiday meeting


Rye Town Council met on Monday September 4  after summer recess, to deal largely with formalities and confidential business. The new Town Sergeant Mr Paul Goring was welcomed to his post by the Mayor Jonathan Breeds and prayers were conducted by the Reverend Canon David Frost, the Mayor’s Chaplain.

The Council received reports from Councillor Glazier, East Sussex County Council and Councillors Gennette Stevens and Lord Ampthill, Rother District Council.

Councillor Glazier commented on the “rural ambience” issue which has been exercising and occupying residents and visitors in recent days. His officials had informed him that the farmers were complying with the appropriate rules and regulations and such pungent aromas were to be expected when one lived in the countryside. In response to a question from the floor concerning the future of Tilling Green Community Centre, and asked by Mrs Heidi Foster, he advised that a condition survey was being carried out by the ESCC surveyors department and the future of the building could be reviewed further once this had been completed.

Councillor Stevens had been seconded to the Task Group overseeing the implementation of Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE) and was expecting a County Council report to be published by Christmas. In response to questioning by RTC councillors she assured them that everyone would be consulted.

Councillor Lord Ampthill addressed the proposed renegotiation of the waste collection and disposal contract ending in 2019, the importance of the revenue and profit from off-street parking towards RDC funding and the lack of progress on The Landgate Tower due to the unavailability of staff. 

The only further issue considered was that of the 20 mph Speed Limit Zones in the form of a report from the Highways Forum, although it appeared that the cost of implementing a speed limit would be too great for the benefit received. 

The remainder of the business was in camera and the press and public were excluded.

Photo: Rye News library

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  1. Dear Sirs, I find myself once again either at a different meeting or not knowing where your correspondent gets his information from.
    Above I’m quoted as commenting on the condition survey of the Landgate Tower something that I have no knowledge of as this is a Rother District issue.
    I was asked a question on what was happening at Tilling Green School as there were rumours that something was going on,
    I replied that it was something I had no personal knowledge of at this time as a condition survey had been commissioned by the property team at the County Council and I would report back when I had further information.
    How that equates to” tardiness of the ESCC estates department” baffles me?

  2. I am able to confirm that Cllr Glazier responded to a question from Heidi Foster on the former Tilling Green School and not the Landgate Tower/Arch.

  3. From the Editor, Rye News: Cllr Glazier is indeed correct and the article has been amended accordingly. The author inadvertently conflated two separate items on which questions were being asked and we apologise to Cllr Glazier for the error.


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