Now is the time


Watches and jewellery, expensive cars, foreign holidays and second homes are all luxury items, but there is one commodity worth far more than anything else – time.

As the saying goes, ‘time waits for no man’ and, as we all know, time doesn’t stand still. However, given the current pandemic, all of a sudden, as well as our lives being turned upside down, many of us now have the rare luxury of time on our hands.

Many of us can’t go out but, even if we could, there is very little to do other than potentially spread, or contract, the virus, so staying inside is what we have been advised to do – which is ironic, and made even more frustrating, given that the blue skies and sunshine are both now making regular rare appearances.

Home grown fruit and veg


Whilst out shopping why not pick up a few packets of seeds, and if you have a garden or allotment why not have a go at growing your own fruit and veg. It seems there is plenty of produce in the shops but nothing tastes better than home grown?

Never had time to write a diary? Maybe now is the time to get stuck in, with plenty to write about to get you started – how has your life changed due to the virus? What can’t you do? What have you done? What do you think the future is?

How’s your address book looking ? Need updating? Why not contact a few people you haven’t spoken to for a while. Have their details changed, a new addition to the family, have they moved, got new contact details? Interesting conversations could be added to your diaries, and just getting in touch may make their day.

Whilst on the subject of writing, why not write something for Rye News, it could be about anything with a local connection or spin. If you find it hard to put a story together, email the bones of your article through to if you want a reporter to help or write it for you.

Photos are really helpful and who knows you might just enjoy doing it, especially if what you write is informative or helpful to our readers. Sport stories are always in demand (though they may be about solo efforts for now) but anything you feel is important to write about, just have a go.

Or an opportunity for having a clear-out ?

The understairs cupboard, attic, garage, shed or spare room might be where your efforts are appreciated. We have a habit of collecting and storing, but do we need to keep it all, or could we sell it and top up the coffers – or, better still, take to whichever charity shop is open or arrange for them to collect from you, usually free of charge (if they are operational at the moment).

Or you could instead store up all your unwanted ‘bits’ and boot sale them in due course, a bit of fun which, after our quarantine period is finished, might be very welcome light entertainment.

Sorting out old photos is very time consuming, but rewarding, and doing it with others often prompts happy memories of times gone by, familiar faces and family occasions  – and now is a great opportunity to get on top of some of the jobs we never seem to have the time to do. Our wardrobes might benefit from a reshuffle, could anyone benefit from our cast offs, again charity shops would generally welcome your donations (once that’s possible).

Food cupboards often get cluttered. Could you donate anything (in date) to the local food bank. They are always looking for donations and would welcome additional supplies, especially at this difficult time.

What do we need ? We need the spirit of Dad’s Army.

Decorating jobs are often kept for a rainy day but, if you can’t get out, what about freshening up the inside with a splash of emulsion or new wallpaper (if you have the kit), or perhaps it’s time for a bit of spring cleaning or to consider re-arranging the furniture?

None of us know how long the current situation will last so keeping occupied could become more difficult as time goes on and we need look for new things to do to fill up our time. What did our elders do during the war years, as they had nothing like the technology we all have today ? Well, sitting round the piano featured in many households, and board games, jigsaws and conversation no doubt filled some of their time. Make do and mend were the buzz words and the community had no choice but to pull together to survive.

We are all now part of a totally unsolicited world war, a war against Covid-19 and everywhere it seems there are mugs, tee towels and fridge magnets to sweat shirts, window stickers and souvenirs, all bearing the slogan ‘Keep Calm and Carry On’, and as the same message is everywhere, they can’t all be wrong.

Image Credits: Nick Forman , Lorna Hall , Universal Pictures/Rye Film Club .

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