Stars, stripes and St Mary’s


This Sunday, December 9, a church in Rye, New York, on Long Island Sound in the USA, will be parading the Union Jack and singing the UK’s national anthem as well as the hymn Jerusalem, and the sounds of the US anthem “The Star Spangled Banner” may be heard coming from St Mary’s Church in Rye, East Sussex.

The British congregation will be remembering their links with the American church dating back to 1942 which were reinforced this year by a choir’s visit.

This Christmas custom dates from the Second World War when the two congregations promised to support and pray for each other, and letters of support are exchanged and read out each year.

Christ’s Church in the American Rye sent their choir this summer to visit Rye and other English churches so the link, already marked by a stone in the nave of St Mary’s church, was further strengthened.

So do not be surprised if you hear an unfamiliar tune being sung in St Mary’s this Sunday morning December 9 around at 10am.

Image Credits: Rye News library .

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