Vote, vote, vote


In next week’s issue (April 26) Rye News will have a special election edition with one section of the paper devoted entirely to the candidates for both Rye Town Council and the Rye and Winchelsea Ward of Rother District Council.

We have contacted all the candidates (with the exception of those listed below for whom we have been unable, so far, to obtain email addresses) and asked them to tell us a bit about themselves and why they should be elected.

We have already heard back from many of them and we hope that the remainder will also feel able to comply with our request. We are giving each candidate a page to themselves so that all of us will know exactly what and who we are voting for on May 2.

Of the 22 candidates in total, for both Councils, we have been unable so far to make contact with just four. They are:

Ruth Green  candidate for Rother DC
Chris Hoggart  candidate for both Rother DC and Rye TC
Howard Norton  candidate for Rother DC
Sam Souster   candidate for Rye TC

If any of the above are reading this, or anyone else who, with the candidates permission, can provide contact details, will you please get in touch with the Editor at and we will explain what we would like from you.

Image Credits: Rye News library .

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  1. Is Chris Hoggart the same Chris Hoggart from Natural England that spoke at the Rye TC meeting you reported on recently?


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