Sussex uncovered


Sussex Community Foundation (SCF) has published its third review of social conditions in Sussex, under the title Sussex Uncovered. Drawing on data issued for 2019 by the Office of National Statistics (ONS), the report highlights areas of deprivation covering the fields of health, skills, education and work. The accompanying map shows Rye towards the top of the most deprived range.

Putting local needs in perspective as compared with other areas of the UK, the review focuses in on the challenges facing local authorities, voluntary organisations and philanthropists all concerned with improving the quality of life in their individual communities.

The ONS uses Indices of Multiple Deprivation, measured annually against a base year, to show relative changes in the level of life experience for the UK population. The data is capable of targetting and reaching down to areas with as few as 1500 people.

The report was developed in conjunction with Oxford Consultants for Social Inclusion, with responses to questions directed around six broad categories:

  • Health, Well-being and Safety;
  • The Arts, Culture and Heritage;
  • Skills, Education and Work;
  • Community Cohesion and Social Capacity,
  • Isolation Disadvantage and Access to Local Services; and
  • Environment and Public Spaces.

All of the data is available on a purpose-built open source website. The key finding of this latest SCF research is that “Sussex is a great place to live if you can afford it, but there is substantial inequality in all areas of life and many people in our county struggle to get by every day.”

SCF has supported local charities and community groups across Sussex for the past 15 years. In that time it has made grants of over £30 million, raising funds from Sussex donors and connecting them to the communities that they want to support. It encourages philanthropy from those who want to make the world a better place.

One of the many individual funds which it manages is the Rye Fund, a fund dedicated to the welfare of people living in Rye and District. The latest round of local award winners can be seen here

Image Credits: Kennerth Bird .

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