Coronavirus Information


This page contains links to useful local and national resources during the coronavirus pandemic.  There are links for those who may need help and for those who can offer help.  Rye Mutual Aid in particular exists to link up volunteers and those needing help.

We encourage you to volunteer if you can, but just as importantly let someone know if you need help. No one is judging and people are very happy to assist where they can.

The links are regularly checked and updated as required.

Local resources

NHS Links

Debunking Myths

There are emails, videos and other messages doing the rounds at the moment that make various claims about stopping the virus by doing things such as drinking warm water every 20 minutes.  These sort of messages can be very dangerous as the information they contain could well be wrong. Generally only messages direct from official sources should be trusted.  Some useful sites for looking up common myths are below.

UK Government

Useful but not official

Links last checked: 3 April 2020 at 9:30am
Links last updated: 3 April 2020 at 9:30am

Image Credits: Pete Linforth / Pixabay Pixabay License

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