Beyond the Foodbank


We see each week what a generous community there is in Rye.  The magnificent donations we regularly receive are so very uplifting and encouraging, and a different but particularly  useful donation made by Rye and Winchelsea Rotary Club  has been a set of cookery books called “Beyond the Foodbank”.

We want to do more than give out food to those in difficulty.  Ideally as a community we would like to help them develop practical food skills that could help make their lives that much better.  Practical cookery experience could be a great benefit to a large number of people and the ability to take better control of their weekly food budget could have a major effect by freeing up time and money for other things.

In collaboration with Rye Mutual Aid and the mayor of Rye, Councillor Rebekah Gilbert, Rye Food Bank aims to inspire residents to eat healthier and cook tastier food for themselves and their families from scratch and we have organised a range of cookery classes to be delivered via Zoom on Wednesday evenings in December starting on December 2. The classes will be delivered by Head Chef John from Hastings college and Chef John and Mayor Rebekah will design recipes that make use of cupboard basics and are tasty balanced nutrition. Vegetarian and vegans will be included. There will be four cookery sessions leading up to Christmas.

We will publish Zoom joining details next week here and on our Facebook page.  The cookery classes are open to anyone interested and please do share this with anyone you know who may be interested.  All are welcome.

Contact details for Rye Food Bank: Phone: 07526 349847 or email:

We are open at the Baptist Hall, behind the church in Cinque Ports Street on Wednesdays from 9am for donations and the food bank is open from 1pm until 3pm. The Rye Food Bank phone number is not manned all the time, but you can leave a message and we will respond. Email is better and this is monitored several times during the day and in the evening.

Donations make a big difference

At this difficult time, if you are someone who receives a winter fuel payment but does not need it, a season of good will gesture could be to donate it to Rye Food Bank. Such a donation could make all the difference to a struggling family.  Every penny donated is spent on providing food to those in crisis.

Monetary donations can be sent to the Bexhill Food Bank Rye Branch at Barclays Bank, sort code 20-54-25, account number 83501116, through the Jempson Foundation or cheques to Rye Food Bank c/o 24 North Salts, Rye. If you donate via the Jempson Foundation and are a taxpayer, gift aid can be applied, thereby increasing the value of the donation by 25% at no cost to the donor.

If you need help from Rye Food Bank, contact Rother District Citizens Advice (CAB) on 01424 215055; email:, or the Hastings Advice & Representation Centre (HARC) on 0333 344 0681; email:

Image Credits: Mags Ivatts .

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