New Year: Same old mask


Just before Christmas, as Rye News editor, I wished you well, and now it is time to wish you a Happy New Year as Twelfth Night swept away the remains of Christmas. But has the world changed? A swift look at this week’s stories suggests not.

But, as we move back into lockdown, Covid is very much front of mind, and Rye News has tried to provide as much up to date information as possible.

Rother District Council has provided a wide range of information on the many issues raised by the resumed lockdown while, at the same time, all the services we might need are trying to make the best use of resources. And, following on from that, our local volunteers in Rye Mutual Aid have been reviewing the services it provides.

Moving on from Covid-19 to some other familiar issues, moving some of Rye’s huge  vehicles from Strand Quay and Winchelsea Road along the A259 to Harbour Road just seems like shifting a problem, and maybe creating a worse one, rather than solving it.

Rising sea levels could be a plus

Looking at the map however reminded me that Old Winchelsea was swept away by a storm, and Camber castle used to stand guard over England’s fleet when the Brede was tidal. So any development in Harbour Road has a shelf life which may be shorter than we think, as the sea reclaims what it has lost, and Rye becomes virtually an island again.

Indeed  Rother’s flood defences need improving quickly – and may not be effective for very long – so the golf club may need another notice saying “KEEP OUT SEA”.

In the short term though, I’m hanging on to my mask until I get some news about when vaccines will arrive, hopefully next week, but I mean news about how the vaccine will be delivered, not when, and I shall throw a tantrum if I am told I have to make an online appointment and go to a car park in the middle of nowhere – as I have neither a car nor a smartphone, and I am nearly 80 – and I intend to reach 90 at least.

So we’re in lockdown again. But, hopefully, this may be as a turning point – and, in the meantime, we’ll buy online, if we can, and order takeaways, if we can, – and rely on Rye Mutual Aid and the food bank, if necessary. And, hopefully, you, our readers, will keep sending in stories and comments!

Image Credits: Rye News library .

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  1. “I am nearly 80 – and I intend to reach 90 at least.” I’m within two months of my 79th and agree with much of what you write except the quoted. Come along, Charles, raise your sights. I want to go on long enough to emulate the French lady who, from memory was 115. Her death was odd. The medics bullied her into giving up her daily glass of wine. Having succeeded in that they persecuted her in respect of her moderate smoking. “It will kill you” they told her. She stopped and died. I never make New Year Resolutions, but this year I’ve decided that when I’m 100 I will dig out my old pipes and puff away like Thomas the Tank Engine.

    Happy and Healthy New Year

  2. I am 86 and like many in my age group we are desperate to be vaccinated but the distribution to local surgeries is pitifully slow. The last time I asked the Ferry Road Surgery just before Christmas when they would they be expecting their supply they said they did not know and in any case they have not been given any assistance how they are to use the new IT system to record the jabs. Also they would depend on the vaccine to be the “Oxford” type as they do not have the very cold fridges for the the other one. Now it is reported that all my age group will be done by mid-February “hopefully”. I await the call but I won’t hold my breath!!!


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