Blooming “jab” victory


Last autumn members of the Rye and Winchelsea Rotary Club planted 1,000 purple crocuses between the “Dragons Teeth” by the new Hub building at the top of Rye Hill to celebrate the near eradication of polio from the world.

Our club has given thousands of pounds since 1986 along with other Rotary clubs around the world, to support the World Health Organisation (WHO) in this endeavour. Purple is the colour of the dye to mark each child, usually on their finger, when vaccinated against polio.

The crocuses (see photo above) are now in flower, but look rather sparse. However they will increase like the ones by the roundabout entrance to Valley Park (see photo below) which were planted a few years ago – and the small tree is an oak planted in 2012 by a young girl and my father.

PS: A garden tip for spring bulbs, daffodils etc. After flowering the leaves should be left for six weeks before cutting to be sure of getting flowers the following year.

Blooming flowers at the top of Valley Park near the Udimore Road roundabout

Image Credits: Rye Rotary .

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  1. How beautiful. Not only the photograph but the gesture and sentiment behind it. Thank you Rye and Winchelsea Rotary for this annual memorial. It is an occasion for joy.


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