One out of three


Less than a week following the report in Rye News on the hazards of our streets, the county highways steward has been out with white paint, making rings round some of the worst of the street potholes. Others often immediately adjacent have been left unmarked. This is particularly the case at the top of Market Road, where the trip hazard remains high.

An ankle twister for the unwary

Councillor Keith Glazier, leader of East Sussex County Council, chanced to meet me in the High Street on Monday March 29. He recognised that the whole street required resurfacing, but this could not be undertaken, he said, whilst the protective cladding around the George remained in place, preventing total access.

He was not able to give any commitment to the repair of pavements though, which remain a cause of great concern.

Image Credits: Kenneth Bird .

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  1. Dear Editor,
    If I wasn’t clear enough when Kenneth and I spoke last week, the assurance I thought I gave was that the Highway Steward was also the person that is responsible for checking and identifying pavement defects that meet the intervention criteria and that would be taking place.
    I will check if or when that will happen.
    Thanks Keith

    • Couldn’t agree more with John Tolhurst! Lots of articles in Rye News about our town and ESCC responsibilities recently and the first we’ve heard from our councillor.


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