Time for a musical picnic


We are writing to tell you about a new event which we are organising on Sunday, July 18, Covid-19 permitting, as we felt that after such a long winter shut in our houses, you might want to escape for some outdoor fun!

So, we are planning an open air music picnic in the wonderful and enchanting setting in Lossenham Farm, Newenden. This is a wonderful opportunity to while away a summer afternoon listening to relaxing live music and indulging in whatever picnic you choose to bring with you.

Tickets are £10 per person and can be purchased online or email mgm5001@gmail.com Under 16s attend for free.

There will be an opportunity to win a week’s holiday in a Spanish Villa in Almeria, southern Spain in our prize draw – lavillamargarita.com.

Please spread the word and come along with your friends, as our beautiful church needs your support.

Donations towards this event will be most welcome. We are also collecting bottles of booze or other, to feature in a big tombola draw.

For general information, please contact: Paula Atkins on 07712 938 633 or Vince Robertson on 07811 868211

A fine summer’s day has been booked with the Meteorological Office!

Image Credits: Anthony Dawson .

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