Empowering older adults


About six months ago, an organisation called Healthy Ageing through Innovation in Rural Europe (HAIRE) advertised through Rother Voluntary Action for volunteers to take part in an hour long guided telephone interview about what support they needed to live a happy, healthy and independent life, through taking part in designing new services,  reducing loneliness, improving health and well being and helping shape a future for the community.

It proved to be an interesting experience, to reflect on what happens in a community like Rye when an older person perhaps moves here, or becomes less able to take part in their usual activities.

This initiative, the design of age-friendly communities in Rother, is now happening across the district, and in Rye one event is being held in the Baptist church and three at Rye Creative Centre, outlined below.

Dr Elena Mucci

As part of these events, the De La Warr pavilion in Bexhill, is hosting a free talk by Dr Elena Mucci, consultant geriatrician and Mr Michael Jackson, pharmacist in cardiology, on “Avoiding Frailty in Old Age: Be Your Own Doctor”, on Tuesday, September 14, at 5:55pm (doors open at 5:30pm) Rye News has previously covered a very well attended talk held at Etchingham by Dr Mucci, who is an inspiring and very direct speaker, to help to change ideas and suggest solutions. Booking is required here.

As well as this HAIRE are approaching the original volunteers to chat and see what has changed in the last six months. It will be very interesting to reflect again on the Covid-19 affected months.

Rye Baptist Church
Staying Active: October 11, 1:30pm to 4:30pm

Rye Creative Centre
Making Information Accessible: September 29, 9am to 12:30pm
Reducing Loneliness: September 29, 1:30pm to 4:30pm
Reducing Loneliness: October 12, 10am to 1pm

For more information, go to rva.uk.com

Image Credits: HAIRE , Gillian Roder .

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