Health bus came to town


You may have missed the bus, but you can still have your say and make a valuable contribution to the on-going debate about our health and social care services.

The Healthwatch East Sussex bus came to Rye last Saturday September 5. It was to park at Jempson’s supermarket, but it could not get in so had to park near the Cinque Port Arms. The idea of the event was to encourage people to relate their experiences with health and social care services and many people from Rye turned up to record their experiences.

Healthwatch East Sussex has been set up as an independent consumer champion to gather and represent the views of the public on issues relating to health and social care. It replaces what used to be called Community Health Councils and were then called LINKS (Local Involvement NetworKS). Its aim is to engage with the public, volunteers, carers, health and social care staff, community and voluntary groups and people who use health and social care services.

It is gathering the public’s views and opinions to build up a picture of how services are being delivered in East Sussex and will work with local council bodies such as East Sussex County Council’s Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee as well as NHS bodies like the Trust running the Conquest Hospital.

They want to hear your experiences so they have as many views as possible, whether they be positive or negative. They are also looking for volunteers to help with their work (full details are on their website).

If you wish to contribute you can still contact Healthwatch East Sussex by email –,  or by visiting their website . Telephone 0333 1014007 (calls to this number are charged at the same rate as 01 or 02 calls)

Photo Ray Prewer

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