Rocking with Rachmaninov


This Friday the Rye Creative Centre (RCC) will rock from Rachmaninov to ragtime with music from the great composers of the 20s playing “live” on the rare Weber Grand with music written for the pianola by some of the 20th century’s greatest composers.

Michael Boyd and local charity ARRCC are presenting the concert in the RCC from 7pm, tickets are £10, and an amazing piano roll playing device will play the concert grand bringing the artists to life just as they played before the age of the gramophone/record player/ cassette player/etc.

And on Saturday October 24, the Rye Harbour Nature Reserve hosts a wildlife walk at Castle Water from 1-4pm starting from Brede Lock, followed by “Explore the shore” 1:30-3:30pm on Wednesday October 28 and “Mud, mud, glorious mud” on Thursday 29, 2:30-4pm (both for children and starting from Lime Kiln Cottage at Rye Harbour. Booking is essential for the children’s events at

(Sources: ARRCC and Sussex Wildlife Trust)

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