30th birthday for WI


In November 1985 Landgate Womens Institute (WI) held its first committee meeting where it arranged its future agenda.  Every third Wednesday in the month since a meeting has been held in various locations and its current location is St Mary’s Centre in Lion Street.

This Wednesday’s meeting was opened by President Christine Bennett who welcomed members and visitors from Playden, Iden, Beckley and Northiam WI who were invited to the celebration meeting.  Secretary Janet French read the minutes from the last meeting and Treasurer Kathy Buckland informed members of the current finances.

Janet French reminded members that Landgate will be taking a stall at the St Mary’s Christmas Fair on November 28 and any items suitable would be welcome. Landgate will be hosting this year’s group carol service in St Mary’s Church on December 4. All are welcome. The Landgate WI Christmas lunch will be at Fletcher’s Restaurant on December 15.

Several members will be going on a Christmas trip to Canterbury on December 9.

On show were scrap books covering the 30 years and brought many happy memories for the longer serving members and displayed to the newest some of the activities that  have been enjoyed in the past.FOT917C

Birthday wishes were given to Kathy Leniham and Ceclia Fairman who received a card and chocolates.

This month’s speaker was John Cave who entertained members with songs and monologues. The hall was soon filled with laughter and members joining in with the singing. It was very entertaining and a good choice for this special meeting.

John Cave was thanked by Joan Paul and members were invited to feast on the splendid array of sandwiches provided by the committee. A  special birthday cake was made by Yvonne Vickery, a friend of Christine’s. Normally all food etc on these occasions is produced by the members but, as a special concession and a thank you for all the hard work members have done in the past, it was decided to buy in the food this time.

The whole meeting was a great success and Landgate will move on for another 30 years, it is hoped. Membership is very healthy at the moment and becoming more popular.

Photo : Kenneth Bird

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