Rooftop reply to climate change


As world leaders meet in Paris to tackle climate change, the Directors of Rye Academy Trust are setting up an Environmental Fund that will help Rye schools enhance and protect the local environment.

Jacqui Lait, chairman of Rye Academy Trust, commented: “I welcome the initiative to set up the Environmental Fund and hope it will provide a challenge to our students to think positively about our carbon footprint”.

The Fund has already had some support from local residents and as a result the first project is under way – the installation of solar panels on the sloping south-facing roof of Rye Studio School.

Beba Energy are the company installing 38 panels, each rated at 260 watts so the roof will be able to generate up to 9.88 Kw of electricity. The panels are costing £17,000 and, although the cost has been underwritten, more financial support would be welcome.

The panels will save the school about £1,000 a year in electricity charges and will also earn about £1,000 a year in subsidy payments.  The subsidy, known as the Feed in Tariff, will be paid for the next 20 years and will be added to the Environmental Fund to help pay for more projects.

A working group will be set up to decide which projects could be supported and students will be involved from the beginning.

Projects could include:

  • Monitoring of energy and water use
  • Energy and water saving
  • Reducing the waste from the school and increasing recycling
  • Improving cycling facilities
  • Making and fixing nesting boxes in the local area

If you are interested in supporting this Fund or would like to know more, please contact Bernard Thomson, Director of Estates at Rye Academy Trust on 01797 222545/ or Christopher Strangeways who is helping to set up the environmental projects (01797 280226/ There is a website in development.

Photo: Rye Studio School

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