Watch China unfold


The Rye Branch of the Workers Educational Association (WEA) has two courses this spring, one starting this Friday, January 8, and the other starting Monday, January 11.

china's great wall
China’s great wall

The “Unfolding Story of China” is a fascinating overview of the history, art, culture and current affairs of this ancient and most modern country and its people led by Karen Chang and, starting January 11, there will be 10 sessions on Mondays from 2-4pm at St Mary’s Centre, in Lion St.

And with spring just round the corner, it’s time to get your garden ready for the growing season – so why not join the Practical Gardening course? Learn about propagation, sowing, pruning and much more in a fun, friendly environment. The tutor Jackie White is always keen for the class to enjoy a cup of tea or coffee and a slice of cake! There are 10 sessions on Fridays from 11:15am to 1:15pm starting this week on January 8 at Udimore Village Hall in Church Lane.

All the classes for both courses last two hours except the first and last which are 2.5 hours. The fee of £85 covers 21 hours learning but concessions may be available. To enrol on either course, call Andy Stuart on 07850 877647 or Jackie White on 01424 815292 or turn up.

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