Painter stripped of clothes


Local painter, Alan Barker, who has been painting the interior of St Mary’s Centre, has been the victim of multiple thefts of his clothes.

Mr Barker usually changes into painting clothes when he begins work, changing when he gets to the job. Normally there is no problem with this, but recent events at St Mary’s may have given him second thoughts.

First to go were his shoes. These were brand new brown leather lace ups. His coat was the next item to “go missing”.

The ringleader was later identified as one Janet Waddams. Janet is currently engaged in sorting out vast numbers of winter clothes to be sent to refugees in Iraq.

Her story was that she had seen the shoes lying around and had assumed they were a donation for the cause. Sue Gardiner Hill, her accomplice, admitted taking the shoes home with her to polish and waterproof before bringing them back to be packed in banana boxes for shipment abroad.

Mr Barker’s trousers were also inspected by the gang, but were not deemed worthy of taking as they had paint marks on and were rejected.

Mr Barker has now been reunited with all his clothing and is understood not to be pressing charges.


Photo: Sandra Lanigan

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