Ukes are back in town


Following the unparalleled success of the first Rye Ukulele Festival last year, Rye Ukulele Experiment is delighted to announce the second Ukulele Festival which will take place on Sunday July 3 at the Cinque Ports pub,  just a few minutes from the train station. It will start at 11:30am and end at 8pm.

We will be showcasing a variety of ukulele groups and everyone is practising like crazy to have fun on the day and entertain the public. Last year we had about 200 people attending and we are hoping for more this time.

We have organized a “Big Busk Songbook” where everybody can join in playing and singing including the audience if they wish. We also will make time during the day to introduce two hours of ukulele open mic where anyone who has not signed up, but would like to perform, can do so.

Do come along and have a fun day. For any further information, email or look at our website

Photo: Heidi Foster

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