Market Road closure


The gas man cometh . . . again. This time it is to be Market Road that will be closed from Monday, October 17 in order, we are told, to enable gas main connection works. This is scheduled to take two days. While the works are ongoing, traffic will be diverted down The Mint and back in to Cinque Ports Street via the Kettle of Fish roundabout and Wish Street.

Market Road is a regular rat run for vehicles leaving the High Street for Cinque Ports Street and being able to turn right into Cinque Ports Street without having to take the long way round Station Approach.

The recommended detour, as mentioned above, is via the Kettle of Fish roundabout, however without doubt many drivers will attempt the 180 degree turn at the bottom of the Mint into Wish Ward, an already-narrow road with parking on one side that restricts space further, so there could be problems there. Also, with more vehicles being forced to use the Ferry Road / Station Approach one way system, the usual queues that build up when the level crossing is closed are, at certain times of the day, likely to be significantly longer. Unless, of course, the RMT decide to help out by making October 17 and 18 two of their strike days.

So hold-ups are likely and if you can avoid this area of the town at the busy times on these two days, you might be well advised to do so.

Photo: John Minter

Image Credits: John Minter .

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