Time to tell tales


With only just over a week to go, the full programme for the 2016 Rye Christmas Festival “Tales of Old” on Saturday December 10 can now be found online  and it promises to be a busy and fun-filled day like last year.

And if last year seems a distant memory, or you missed it, a short film captures last year’s flavour and can be seen here.

The event kicks off from around 10am until late. The organisers have planned another day full of festive fun with activities and events throughout the whole town for all ages, interests and budgets. Many events are free of charge and most can be attended on a drop in basis.

Father Christmas arrives at the Town Hall at 10am, as the tides are not favourable for a repeat of last year’s arrival by boat at Strand Quay, and he can be found all day in the Museum’s East Street grotto. This is fully booked, though there is a drop-in session at the end of the day and Mother Christmas is in residence at the Old Borough Arms. However he also manages to be in the grand procession from the railway station at 4:30pm which goes round the town and ends up at the George in the High Street. He will be accompanied by his reindeer who can be found at Strand Quay from lunchtime.

A number of car parks in the main part of the town are being used for events, and displays, but the large car park in Gibbett Marsh off Ferry Road, a short walk from Strand Quay, will still be in use.

The Christmas Market will be in the Strand Quay area including the car park from 11am to 5pm and the High Street will be closed for the procession and the races between 2:15 and 3pm. The community carol concert will be in St Mary’s church by the Town Hall at 6pm.

The main stage will be in the car park of the Cinque Ports Inn next to the cattle market area by the station, with a smaller stage in the Butter Market at the Town Hall. These stages will feature choirs, bands, dancing and competition winners from 11am to 4pm including The Bellos, the Wall of Sound and the Rye Ukulele Experiment.

For more information , and last minute details, visit www.christmasinrye.co.uk or  www.facebook.com/christmasinrye



Photos: Rye News Library and Simon Redshaw

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