Sea Cadet in D-Day commemoration


Rye Sea Cadet Junior, Joanna Bowtell attended the 73rd anniversary of the D-Day landings by the Allied armies in Normandy representing Rye Cadets on June 6.

She accompanied her father and mother who were taking a widow whose late husband was on the first glider on the Pegasus Bridge attack. The bridge was held by the British, despite stiff counter attacks by the Germans, until relieved by Lord Lovat and the commandos fighting their way up from the beach to the vital river crossing.

They were the first allied troops to land on French soil during the night preceding the beach landing, and began the invasion which finally drove the enemy out of occupied Europe.

During this high profile visit, Joanna met local dignitaries, high ranking French and British military officers, took part in various memorial ceremonies, attended the evening dinner on of June 5 in Benoville (the village where the Gliders landed) and was on hand to help veterans over the four days.

She spent a lot of time with Rear Admiral (Retd) Neil Rankin and his team from the 70th Powerboat Squadron based at Portsmouth. They send two boats MGB 81 and HSL 102 every year to take part in the D-Day commemorations.

Joanna crewed HSL 102, an Air Sea Rescue launch, on a visit to Caen, the crew had to prise her off the wheel and she was still smiling the next day. Whilst with the team, she laid crosses in the local churchyard and marched proudly over Pegasus Bridge with them.

Joanna also spent time with local school children and presented them with scrolls that she and her friends made at Sandhurst School, Kent.

We thoroughly recommend this annual event and many people commented that it was lovely to see a Sea Cadet at the commemorations.

Chief Petty Officer Steven Smith, Officer in Charge of Rye Unit said, “I am very proud of Joanna for taking part in this event and showing her respect for the bravery of all those that took part on the day. ”

Rye Sea Cadets are now recruiting for juniors 10 – 12 years old on Fridays 7-9pm and seniors 12 – 18 on Mondays and Fridays 7-9pm at their headquarters in Rock Channel.

Telephone: 01797 224720 (Monday and Friday evenings), email:

Photo: Andrew Bowtell

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