Skip slip just misses car


A lorry collecting skips from the cinema development off Lion Street, Rye, shed a load of waste bricks, narrowly missing a parked car on Wednesday morning (September 24). The lorry deposited a green skip outside the Town Hall and then left to pick up a yellow skip. When it returned it put the yellow skip on top of the green skip and proceeded to attempt to pick up both skips in one go.

The green skip tipped while it was hoisted on to the lorry and the yellow skip slid down wooden pallets which were in the green skip, depositing some of its load on the road. Eventually, both skips were placed back on the lorry – but Bernadine Fiddimore, Rye’s mayor, did not consider this safe. After some discussion, the driver set off with only one skip and will return to get the other later.

The problems were nothing to do with the contractors working at the cinema. In fact, one of the workers from the cinema very kindly helped to clear up the spillage because he was concerned for residents. The lorry driver was in the livery of the Country Style Group from Maidstone, Kent. As the onlookers dispersed, one observer commented wryly that the skips carried the slogan “Waste Management Solutions”.

Photos: Judy Pettitt, Anthony Mann, Kenneth Bird

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