Fresh food from around the Globe


The Globe Inn on Military Road plans to open a weekly market on Saturdays, starting Easter Saturday March 26. Stalls will include freshly baked bread from the Lazy Baker, who is planning to bake full time in Rye from April.

The Globe also hopes to have fresh flowers, vegetables, meat and seafood as well as providing hot drinks and snacks. This market will be wonderful for people who cannot attend the Farmers’ Market at Strand Quay on Wednesday mornings or the Country Market in Rye’s Conduit Hill Community Centre on Friday mornings.

The Strand Quay market reopened at the end of February and the Country Market reopens this Friday March 11 at 10am, after their respective winter breaks. The Globe’s market will be open between 9am and 2pm every Saturday.


Photo: Seana Lanigan

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