Acting Up opens house


Members and friends of drama group Acting Up in Rye gathered on Saturday May 30, to celebrate the grand opening of their new premises in Love Lane writes Kenneth Bird. The former scout hut has been transformed by the committee’s efforts into a very serviceable space for preparing for future productions. Stage costumes completely line one wall, and scenery flats another, making a colourful backdrop for the event.

Chairman Rowena Sterry welcomed everyone “to the home we have always wanted”, thanking former scout leader Chris Emson for helping to secure it. The troupe’s next production will be “Wanted: One Body!”, a comedy thriller, at Rye Community Centre, Conduit Hill on Friday and Saturday, July 10 and 11. Tickets (adults £6) are available from A Pocket Full of Rye or Grammar School Records, both in the High Street.

photos: Kenneth Bird

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