Art gallery welcomes summer


To welcome the early summer Rye Art Gallery has three concurrent exhibitions from this Saturday May 16 on the themes of gardening, rural life and summer pleasures. The gallery is open 12-4pm on Sundays and 10.30am-5pm the rest of the week.

In Galleries 1-3 there is a garden themed exhibition by renowned Hastings sculptor Leigh Dyer, providing the structure with some spectacular work, Louisa Crispen’s fine botanical drawings, garden fresh works from Louis Turpin and Claire Mitchell’s en plein air oil sketches. These celebrate all that is glorious outside in this season.

In Gallery 4 there is a selling exhibition of author and illustrator Graham Clarke’s wonderful etchings. Once again the Gallery is delighted to be showing the works of one of Britain’s best loved print makers depicting rural life through the eyes of the common man with plenty of warmth, detail and humour.

To complement these shows, in Gallery 6, we have ‘Flowers, Trees and Green Things’. These paintings from the permanent collection will feature flower paintings, landscapes, trees and meadows. Paintings include works by Diana Low, Mary Stormont and two beautiful still lifes by an unknown, 17th century Dutch artist. Later in the summer season look out for details of the Rye Art Gallery coffee morning on July 25. There will be further publicity for this event.

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