Baroque ensemble to perform


In under four weeks, on June 17, Bridgepoint Music’s final concert of the season brings you more wonderful music performed by world-class instrumentalists and singers. Mary Bevan and Rowan Pierce, two of the country’s biggest soprano stars, will be performing a Handel masterpiece – Aminta e Fillide, which is essentially a mini-opera, full of glorious tunes, fizz and energy. Also in the programme is Bach’s Brandenburg Concerto No 3 an all-time favourite with both audiences and players.

Mary Bevan

The concert will be performed on original instruments by the Bridgepoint Baroque Ensemble, directed from the harpsichord by Steven Devine.

Rowan Pierce

They have always brought performances of the highest quality, but this may well be the best yet. Do make sure you don’t miss it.

At the Rye Creative Centre, tickets are £30 for adults (plus booking fee) under 18s are free.

Get your tickets here

Image Credits: Brent Connelly , Bridgepoint Music .

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