A musical feast at the festival


Fay Hield Trio: Friday, September 22
Fay Hield is an award-winning folk singer and on Friday night at the community centre she and her trio gave a very moving, soulful concert. She has a very distinctive, artistic voice and is a skilful songwriter with a love of the spirit world and all things folk. She was supported by Sam Sweeney on the fiddle and Rob Harbron on the concertina. Together they create a highly original sound. Many people had travelled a great distance for the concert, so great is the trio’s appeal.Errol Linton’s Blues Vibe: Saturday, September 23
If you closed your eyes and listened, Errol’s voice got close to the sound of a young Muddy Waters. The amazing sound of the haunting harmonica which led Errol’s band to blend blues and jazz filled the community centre which was packed with devoted fans.

It was inspiring and intoxicating all in one hit. Errol and his Blues Vibe took the audience on an amazing journey. Phil Hen wrote on social media: “Fabulous band: tight bass and drums; wonderful keyboard player; tasteful, fun guitar licks; charismatic leader in Errol. Saw them at Errol’s local – The Effra Hall Tavern, Brixton a few weeks ago – glad to hear they stormed Rye “

Mike Boyd at St Mary’s Church: Sunday, September 24
The audience warmly welcomed Mike back to the festival after an interval of twenty years. The concert was in two parts, the first part showcasing the pianola with Mike as pianolist.

It is indeed an art playing this instrument and Mike mesmerised the audience with his intricate and dextrous playing of some very fast pieces including works by Stravinsky and Percy Grainger. Mike regaled the audience with insights into the history of the pianola between pieces and added some technical information, too. The mechanism consists of about one hundred bellows, large and small, the smaller ones being called pneumatics of which there are 88, one for each note on the piano.

In the second half Mike show cased the Ampico Reproducing Piano which plays back recordings captured on paper rolls.

Mike Boyd and the Pianola

The audience was warm and appreciative and Mike should not leave it twenty years before he plays again.

Image Credits: Kt bruce .

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