Spinach – two full houses for the players


Rye Players served up two helpings of Spinach at the Mermaid Inn last Sunday at their regular stint in the Rye Arts Festival. Andrew Mayor’s adaptation of this 1928 comic ghost story won praise from some keen Bensonites in the Tudor Room. Among them was Kate Garner, whose own Festival show went down a storm the night before at the Rye Community Centre when Kate and her band played Songs of the 1920s.

Pat Driver, who directed the play said: “This production was very much DIY, with the cast of seven taking care of wardrobe, props, lights and sound effects themselves. They did a wonderful job hard on the heels of our last show, Canterburye Tales in the Hastings Fringe on August 22, which we’d had to delay for a month because of Covid. Most of the Spinach actors had been in both plays and a few of them are now heading straight into rehearsals for the town pantomime.

“It’s been a challenge to keep Rye Players going over the last couple of difficult years, but audiences have found us again and are very supportive. A few people from the world of commerce have also been unendingly helpful. Judith and her delightful team at The Mermaid welcomed us in and Jonathan at the Queen’s Head lets us rehearse there, often at short notice. Graeme at Rye Fine Wines has made video promos for us and Arabella has given us free banner listings on her A Rye Good Time town app. And all for the warm glow of just being great neighbours!

“We’ve had a fabulous time staging supernatural shenanigans in Spinach and it was lovely to have gathered these wonderful actors for a pre -show photocall on (where else?) Mermaid Street.”

Grambsy – Sandi Bain
Ludovic Byron – Lawrence Wilson
Sylvia Byron –  Susannah Mayor
Mrs Sapson –  Clare Murray
Phyllis –  Janet Stott
Emma –  Rose Cawte
Maive – Arabella Ansar
Director –  Pat Driver
Stage Manager – Oliver Brooks

Rye Players are currently rehearsing Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs for 9 and 10 December at the Rye Creative Centre. More details in future editions.

Image Credits: Kt bruce .

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