The film cameras are back


Be warned. The film cameras are back on our historic streets, on West Street and Mermaid Street and in Church Square, in particular. But it is for one day only, Thursday June 11, 7am-5pm for a short film called ‘The Last Lighthouse Keeper’, writes Charles Harkness. Producer Alana O’Neill from Narrare Films has written to residents saying “all the filming will take place on the streets. However, to facilitate us, we will be having stop and go signs [as for the BBC’s Mapp and Lucia] and asking people to wait until we finish a ‘take’. We will not block the road, pavement or any of the entrances, and we will make every effort to cause the minimum of disturbance”. The police have been informed and the film company has been liaising with the local 1066 Film Office. About 25 cast and crew will be involved.

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