Who and what is in your past?


Rye Partnership will be running a family history course at Tilling Green Community Centre, Mason Road on March 9 and 10. Although this is a follow-on course from last year’s beginner’s course, it is suitable for anyone interested in learning more about their family history. After a brief refresher session in which we will remind ourselves of some of the basics, we will move on to discover more advanced sources which can be found online and in the record office. We will learn how to locate those sources which are relevant to our own families and about the best ways to access them. These will include school, army, tax and probate records, maps, tithe records and also poor law and bastardy records. We will also look at the essentials of a good research technique.

This course will be taught by professional genealogist and historian Celia Heritage, a well-known and highly respected expert in the UK and abroad. Heritage regularly presents at the Who Do You Think You Are Family History Show, for the Society of Genealogists in London and at the Institute of Heraldic and Genealogical Studies in Canterbury. She is the author of the best-selling book Tracing your Ancestors Through Death Records and runs a successful genealogical business offering research and tuition services.

Places are limited so contact Tina Hall to book your place soon. Email tina.hall@ryepartnership.org or telephone 01797 229600.


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