Ryesingers soar again


Ryesingers are looking forward to meeting up again on Wednesday, September 8 to start learning a new classical piece or perhaps even repeat a Gilbert and Sullivan performance. It has been a long time since the lockdown in March 2020 so it might take a little time for the choir to gel, but there is so much talent that it should not be difficult. Lesley Brownbill, choir leader, hopes to offer a concert before Christmas, as this year the Ryesingers celebrate their 50th birthday.

The choir used to meet in the Methodist church but as it is closing, the choir will meet at the sea cadet headquarters in Rock Channel, near the auction house. If you love singing, please come and join as new members are welcome. Do look out for any events coming up. If you are interested please phone Lesley Browning on 01797 222 637 or Sue on 01797 222 722.

Image Credits: Ryesingers .

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