A third Rye Christmas


Since the Homes for Ukraine (H4U) Scheme started in early spring 2022, the Rye H4U Hub, run by volunteers, has been coordinating support, with other bodies, such as Rother Voluntary Action, for Ukrainian families (mostly women and children) taking refuge in the Rye area. The Rye H4U Hub links to similar groups in other parts of Rother and Hastings. Initially there were some 25 families but now the number has dropped to around 12. Some refugees have returned to Ukraine; some have moved elsewhere in the UK.

Each month the Rye H4U Hub organises a get-together for the Rye Ukrainians. In December the group enjoyed two Christmas events.

Ukrainians from Rye and East Sussex at Ashburnham Place

First a number attended the pantomime at Camber Memorial Hall on Friday, December 13 at 7:30 pm. The organisers kindly provided tickets for Ukrainians, while the Hub funded transport from Rye Community Transport. The pantomime was a novelty for the Ukrainians, but they quickly embraced and enjoyed the experience.

Secondly, there was lunch and entertainment at Ashburnham Place, sponsored by Rother Voluntary Action. An Ashburnham Christmas party has become something of a tradition as this was the third arranged since 2022. This year on the afternoon of December 19 around 180 Ukrainians from across Hastings and Rother attended. There was a full traditional Christmas lunch, followed by games, crafts, a bouncy castle and Santa distributing gifts for the children. Entertainment was provided by the Bexhill Ukrainian choir and a gigantic “party bear”. The latter is a tradition at Ukrainian parties.

Ukrainian families at Ashburnham

While these events provided a welcome diversion for Rye refugees, the almost three years of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has touched all their family situations. 2025 could bring negotiations with Russia but with many of the Rye refugees from the east and south of Ukraine, they face an uncertain future.

Image Credits: Anthony Kimber .

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