Abba kicks off the weekend

Abba Tribute
Abba Tribute

The weekend starts Friday night October 2 with an Abba tribute “Chiquitita” at the Milligan Theatre at 7:30 pm in aid of the Rye Wurlitzer Academy (Tickets £10, children under 16 £3) preceded by a St Michael’s Hospice Fashion Auction at the Studio School in The Grove at 6:30pm (along with live music, tickets £5). Some interesting items have been donated by local and national fashion names.

Also on Friday talented young pianist Tom Harris features in Winchelsea’s St Thomas the Martyr at 7:30 pm playing Beethoven, Ravel and Chopin (Tickets £12 adults, under 18 £6).

On Saturday it’s duck racing time at the Ferry Road bridge in Rye at noon along with a BBQ, drinks, bouncy castle etc at the Ferry Road Nursery (£1 to buy your duck !)

Saturday night from 7:30pm-11:30pm Rye Old Scholars are in the Milligan Hall re-uniting those from the late 50s, 60s and early 70s who were at the Grammar, County Secondary or Thomas Peacocke (Enquiries to 01424 444058)

Clothes and knitted blankets are being despatched to refugees in Iraq and Jordan on Wednesday, October 7 and can be left at St Mary’s Choir Vestry between 9am and 4:30pm before that date. Clean and nearly new warm clothes and shoes, particularly for kids, are needed, along with bedding. More info from Janet Waddams on 214089 or from Donations and help with packing and transport also welcome.  (Sources: Various organisations)

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