Amber looks to the future


Rye News is a non-party political newspaper and each week up to the election we will be profiling one or more of the prospective parliamentary candidates. Elsewhere this week we have given some space to the Labour candidate, in this article we talk about the Conservative candidate and next week and the week after we will be looking at the Liberals and UKIP. The greens are not fielding a candidate in our constituency.

At the Winchelsea attic sale last weekend

Amber Rudd has been the MP for Hastings and Rye since 2010 and, when not in London, has a house in Hastings. In 2015 she increased her majority but is well aware that this is still a ‘marginal’ constituency. However since her original election she has been a visible presence in both Hastings and Rye with her regular surgeries (the Rye ones being held in St Mary’s Hall, adjacent to the Kino), visiting local institutions and organisations, dealing with the problems of individuals, supporting improvements to our roads, campaigning on an improved rail system, and holding discussions on the post-Brexit future of the fishing industry. And this continues even after her appointment as Home Secretary.

Following the recent release of the Conservative manifesto she said “Our manifesto recognises the importance of supporting coastal communities like ours. The Coastal Communities Fund, which has delivered over £2.5m to Hastings and Rye since 2012, will be extended.
For our fishing industry, which is so important to our towns, we will introduce a new fisheries regime as we leave the European Union and the Common Fisheries Policies. This will ensure sustainability and prosperity for a new generation of fishermen. Crucially, we will also withdraw from the London Fisheries Convention, which will give us the ability to set our own national fisheries policy.
We will continue to back the small businesses which are the foundation of our local economy through business rate relief and low taxation, and by reducing the bureaucracy and regulation that prevents small businesses from flourishing.                                                                                                           We will increase the overall schools budget by £4 billion in real terms by 2022 and ensure that no school has its budget cut as a result of the new, fair funding formula.
The next five years will be the most challenging our nation has faced in generations. Getting Brexit right is central to everything: our place in the world, our economic security and our future prosperity.”

Inevitably, the recent events in Manchester are going to result in a major time commitment for her over the next few weeks and, added to this, the expectation of senior government ministers to support other candidates in seriously marginal constituencies, is going to limit the campaigning time she would normally have had in her own constituency. Nevertheless, she will still be down here as she is passionate about Hastings and Rye and is enthusiastic about all that goes on here. She and her constituency team are dedicated to continue to improve the social and economic prosperity of the area.

John Minter and courtesy Amber Rudd website

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