Another Rye Burglary


Following our report last week when a house in the town was burgled and a clock stolen, another incident has been reported and police are seeking witnesses to an early evening burglary a few days ago. They have issued the following appeal for witnesses:

“Between 7pm and 9pm on Tuesday (November 12) a house in New Winchelsea Road, Rye, was entered and a quantity of jewellery was stolen, including a gold engagement ring with a square diamond in the centre and with smaller diamonds around the outside, A large gold ‘keeper’ ring, rectangular in shape with ‘bobbles’ on it, and a long gold chain with a gold ingate casing on the end and with a Topaz stone set in it.

“Anyone who saw any suspicious activity in the area between those times, or who is offered jewellery of this description, is asked to contact the police either online or by calling 101, quoting serial 1252 of 12/11.”

Source: Sussex Police

Image Credits: Sussex Police .

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  1. On the same evening, Tuesday 12th November, between 4.00 – 5.00pm, an attempted burglary took place in Watchbell Street.

    A ground-floor rear window was forced open using a piece of equipment. Possibly due to the noise of the window lock breaking and pieces jamming the frame, or the return of the home owner, there did not appear to be entry through the gap which had been created.

    The police visited and have full details of this event.

  2. Sadly Rye over the years has become a thieves paradise,even though we have a large underused undermanned police station,and its time whoever gets into government gets police back onto the beatin towns like Rye,to combat this growing menace.


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