Remembrance Day once more

The march past

There was a full house at St Mary’s Church last Sunday, November 10 for the annual Remembrance Day service.

The mayor had taken the salute at the town hall as the parade of veterans, and members of the emergency services and youth organisations filed past and into the church.

The maroon gun sounding at 11am was the signal for two minutes silence, to be followed by other solemn moments of remembrance and commitment to the gospel of peace.

The procession of the standard bearers

The whole congregation joined in singing some rousing hymns and the national anthem and there was a beautiful rendering sung by Kate Rogers of the 23rd psalm: The Lord is my Shepherd.

This annual civic service never fails to move those who participate in it, young and old. The gathering at the war memorial afterwards, the reading of the names of the fallen, the tribute of the wreath-layers and the sounding of the last post all contributed to the poignancy of the occasion.

Image Credits: Sandra Lanigan , Kenneth Bird .

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