Advertised as a brunch, it was a full English breakfast, the whole works including black pudding, that Churches Together laid on in St Mary’s Centre as the culmination of Christian Aid Week on Saturday, May 27. Not many diners had arrived by 11am, but already more than £250 had been generously contributed.
Jane Orchard later thanked the helpers for “a terrific work-out”, advising that donations for the Lent Lunch, Christian Aid Week and the Big Brunch together came to just over £1,100 in total.
Founded in 1945 at the end of the Second World War, Christian Aid works with people living in poverty, regardless of religion and engages in life-saving work, for example amongst refugees in Afghanistan and in East African countries, where 14 million people are going hungry every day, caught up in the region’s worst drought in 50 years.
Photo: Kenneth Bird